Science is
nothing but it is getting the deep knowledge of nature and natural phenomena. In
other word the deep and systematic study of whatever happens in this physical
world is called science.
The word science is derived from the Latin verb ‘scientia’
which means ‘to know’. The Sanskrit word vijnana and the Arabic word Ilm convey
the similar meaning, namely ‘knowledge’.
The knowledge
which humans have collected through their observations and experiments, when organized
systematically is called Science.
The different definitions of Science given by various scientists are:
Einstein: Science is not just a collection of laws, a catalogue of unrelated
facts. It is a creation of human mind. With its freely invented ideas and
Lindsay: Science is a method of describing, creating and understanding human
Neils Bohr:
The task of science is both to extend the range of our experience and to reduce
it to order.
Holton: Science is ever unfinished quest to discover all facts, the
relationship between things and the laws by which the world runs.
Science is divided into many branches:
Physical Sciences:
The Science in which we study about non living things is called physical
sciences. For example, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Astronomy, Geography,
Astrology, Oceanology etc.
Sciences: The science in which we study about the living things is called
Biological Sciences. For example, Botany, Omithology, Anthropology, Entromology,
Zoology, Forensic science etc.
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